DRC CR82/CR22 refrigerated meat mincer

Hachoir à viande réfrigéré

Our DRC CR82 Refrigerated Meat Mincer is a table top model. Installed with an Unger 82 or Enterprise 22 version, it can be fitted with an optional steak former on the Unger 82 version.  

DRC VR 82 refrigerated meat mincer

Hachoir réfrigéré

Our DRC/VR82 refrigerated mincer is installed with a Unger 82 cutting system. It features a steak former and refrigerated display window. It will find its place in modern butcher’s shops

DRC 22L Traditional meat mincer

Hachoir de boucherie

Our DRC 22L butcher’s mincer is a professional table top machine equipped with an ENTERPRISE 22 cutting system and a single-phase motor.